Do you have all identities and accesses under control at all times? New employees start their work, others leave the company. Associated with this is the assignment or deletion of access rights to various applications and data storage media. These must be graded granularly, depending on the role and activity of the employee. Even this standard IT administration task can be quite complex. It is even more time-consuming when project personnel require temporary access to the IT systems. This must be defined project-specifically and correspond to a defined access profile. It is also no longer the case that every employee has his or her own PC in the company. Many field service employees are rarely present in the business premises and when they are, they then use any available computer - however they still need all access appropriate to their role. And in day-to-day operations, user rights and access to various systems also create work for IT support: Passwords often have to be changed or reset - according to the market research institute Gartner, password problems account for between 15 and 35 percent of all help desk calls.
Our Point Of View

Depending on the industry and business process, your company faces important challenges in achieving Identity & Access Governance. It should be clear how and which IAM modules are integrated in your departments and what types of access rights or authorization processes are right for your company. The integration of an IAM should relieve the IT and the specialist departments and at the same time increase security in your company. There are various approaches to this, such as zeroTrust, IAM Life Cycle Management (LCM), Privileged Account Management (PAM), Access Right Management (ARM) etc ....
sys4it accompanies you with consulting, analysis of requirements, design, and implementation of a suitable IAM solution.

IAM as a Service

The elaboration of an IAM strategy is the biggest milestone of the whole project, so the selection of the tool is only 30% of the project. Our mission is to be at your side early enough to apply our experience from different IAM projects and our expertise from different products in the development and design of an IAM strategic plan that fits your company and its identities.We assess the current situation and determine your IAM maturity level. We also create a common understanding of the problem among the stack holders in your organization.

   We examine each work process and create a business risk matrix.A roadmap defined by us, which is modularly oriented to fields of action, provides you with an overview of required products, interfaces, and resources.A budget plan helps you to keep the costs under control and to start modularly small, without losing sight of the big-picture.

IAM Overview Strategy Plan
Assessment of the Situation
For the planning of the strategy, it is important to determine the actual situation.
Integrating Stack-Holders

Business unit managers or data owners are necessary for determining process and access flows.

IAM-Maturity level

The IAM maturity level can be determined by identifying the current situation and determining the process and access procedures. This will provide everyone in the company a coherent understanding of the problem.

Business Risk
Deriving the degree of maturity in a business risk matrix.
Action Fields

The company's risks define the fields of action and their priority.

Road-Map and Project Plan

The definition of the roadmap, required resources. And a detailed cost breakdown enables the right product selection and budgeting.

Our Super Powers in IAM Consulting & Itegration
Consulting Power

Consulting Power

We see every project from the perspective of the business process. Our consultants can automate both your identities and their accesses in such a way that business processes are always kept in mind and added value for employees, customers and suppliers becomes visible.

Development Power

Development Power

Our developers are very familiar with IAM and infrastructure management. So, we are not dependent on the manufacturers and their interfaces. We can integrate any 3rd party toll or business application in the IAM and thus achieve a seamless and holistic identity & access automation

Alliance Power

Alliance Power

From our alliance we can offer a concentrated power of experienced consultants and experts from various business segments. This enables us to empathize with your industry very quickly and understand your IAM needs.

International Power

International Power

Our internationality enables us to support you and your IAM project in a cost-efficient and multilingual way. So you don't have to worry about your international locations, employees and partners.

Solutions Services

  • Industrie 4.0
  • Financial
  • Healthcare

  • With our MFA solution, secure your accounts and apps with a strong multi-factor authentication solution that will keep the right people in and the wrong people out. Protect all your resources, including customer-facing apps and enterprise apps that store your most sensitive data. User access will require several forms of identification to eliminate the risks associated with authentication by password alone (e.g. pin code, fingerprint) and will automatically block suspicious IP addresses that have attempted identity attacks on other organizations.
  • Passwords can be reset easily and securely via our self-service Password Management solution. The Password Reset Management solution thus reduces the number of password tickets by up to 80% – an enormous relief for your IT department. At the same time, security is increased by 2-factor authentication. In addition to Active Directory, the solution offers a variety of other interfaces for this purpose.
  • Dealing with privileged user accounts or access rights poses special challenges for IT departments. Selective requirements for emergency access or technical administration must be flexibly supported and at the same time security and traceability must be guaranteed. Privileged Access Management for SAP, Active Directory or Windows Notebooks offers an effective and fast solution with self-services for temporary access. Generally Speaking, Privileged access management (PAM) consists of the cybersecurity strategies and technologies for exerting control over the elevated (“privileged”) access and permissions for users, accounts, processes, and systems across an IT environment.
  • Easily secure user access through our SSO solution. Single sign-on is an authentication method that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password to any of several related, yet independent, software systems. Provide your IT team one place to view, manage, and secure all your users’ access, whether they are internal employees or external partners. This single sign-on solution can quickly connect to and sync from any number of identity stores including AD, LDAP, HR systems, and other third-party identity providers.
  • The recertification of access rights with the Re-Certification Management solution offers you the possibility to carry out periodic checks of access rights automatically. Those responsible simply check and confirm the roles and access rights in the service portal. Recertification thus ensures that people only have the access rights they need in the course of their tasks.‎
  • Via our M2M Access Management solutions, easily connect with customers, vendors and partners that have their own identity system or directory with a partner portal integration solution and easily protect your confidential data while onboarding external users with a streamlined user management method. Implement automations with if/then logic to automatically deactivate users when their contract is up and remove users from groups and applications. Smoothly view application assignments and activity with built-in reporting tools.
  • The zero trust security model describes an approach to the design and implementation of IT systems. With our zero-trust principle you would require proof of identity to enable access wherever you are. Prevent unauthorized access, reduce data breaches, and mitigate the risk of lateral movement to protect the entire IT environment without any technical constraints for users. You could securely embrace the rise of cloud and mobile. Get far from traditional perimeter-focused approaches to security and instead focus resources on enabling access for all users – regardless of their location, device, or network.

  • With our MFA solution, secure your accounts and apps with a strong multi-factor authentication solution that will keep the right people in and the wrong people out. Protect all your resources, including customer-facing apps and enterprise apps that store your most sensitive data. User access will require several forms of identification to eliminate the risks associated with authentication by password alone (e.g. pin code, fingerprint) and will automatically block suspicious IP addresses that have attempted identity attacks on other organizations.
  • Passwords can be reset easily and securely via our self-service Password Management solution. The Password Reset Management solution thus reduces the number of password tickets by up to 80% – an enormous relief for your IT department. At the same time, security is increased by 2-factor authentication. In addition to Active Directory, the solution offers a variety of other interfaces for this purpose.
  • From joining the company to various change scenarios and finally leaving, a person needs the right access rights at the right time throughout the lifecycle of your company. Provision them automatically with ULM. User Life Cycle is a concept which describes the process flow of how the account of a user is created, modified, managed, and deleted based on certain events or time factors. User Lifecycle Management (ULM) is a strategic solution implementation which facilitates above-mentioned process.
  • Easily secure user access through our SSO solution. Single sign-on is an authentication method that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password to any of several related, yet independent, software systems. Provide your IT team one place to view, manage, and secure all your users’ access, whether they are internal employees or external partners. This single sign-on solution can quickly connect to and sync from any number of identity stores including AD, LDAP, HR systems, and other third-party identity providers.
  • The recertification of access rights with the Re-Certification Management solution offers you the possibility to carry out periodic checks of access rights automatically. Those responsible simply check and confirm the roles and access rights in the service portal. Recertification thus ensures that people only have the access rights they need in the course of their tasks.‎
  • With our ARM solution, manage and audit user access to Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and File Servers. You could easily automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of users and quickly generate and deliver comprehensive user access reports required for regulatory compliance and audits. Thanks to this solution, you could reduce IT workload through a self-service portal and delegation of access rights management to data owners.
  • The departments are responsible for the access rights of their employees, but today they can usually only fulfil this responsibility to a limited extent. For this purpose, our Role-based Access Management solution provides a scalable solution approach. It offers an authorization catalog with comprehensible authorization objects that can be used directly in the department as well as a step model for role definition.

  • Mit unserer MFA-Lösung sichern Sie Ihre Konten und Anwendungen mit einer starken Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierungslösung, die die richtigen Leute rein und die falschen Leute raus lässt. Schützen Sie alle Ihre Ressourcen, einschließlich kundenorientierter Anwendungen und Unternehmensanwendungen, die Ihre sensibelsten Daten speichern. Der Benutzerzugriff erfordert mehrere Formen der Identifizierung, um die mit der Authentifizierung per Passwort allein verbundenen Risiken zu eliminieren (z. B. Pincode, Fingerabdruck), und blockiert automatisch verdächtige IP-Adressen, die Identitätsangriffe auf andere Organisationen unternommen haben.
  • Kennwörter lassen sich per Self-Service einfach und sicher zurücksetzen. Das Password Reset Management reduziert so die Anzahl der Password-Tickets um bis zu 80% – eine enorme Erleichterung für Ihre IT-Abteilung. Gleichzeitig erhöht sich die Sicherheit durch eine 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung. Neben Active Directory bietet unimate hierfür eine Vielzahl an weiteren Schnittstellen.
  • Vom Eintritt in das Unternehmen über verschiedene Änderungsszenarien bis hin zum Austritt – eine Person benötigt im Laufe des Lebenszyklus in Ihrem Unternehmen die richtigen Zugriffsrechte zur richtigen Zeit.
  • Sichern Sie den Benutzerzugriff mit unserer SSO-Lösung auf einfache Weise. Single Sign-On ist eine Authentifizierungsmethode, die es einem Benutzer ermöglicht, sich mit einer einzigen ID und einem einzigen Passwort bei einem von mehreren miteinander verbundenen, aber unabhängigen Softwaresystemen anzumelden. Stellen Sie Ihrem IT-Team einen zentralen Ort zur Verfügung, an dem es den Zugang aller Benutzer anzeigen, verwalten und sichern kann, unabhängig davon, ob es sich um interne Mitarbeiter oder externe Partner handelt. Diese Single-Sign-On-Lösung kann sich schnell mit einer beliebigen Anzahl von Identitätsspeichern verbinden und diese synchronisieren, darunter AD, LDAP, HR-Systeme und andere Identitätsanbieter von Drittanbietern.
  • Mit unseren M2M Access Management-Lösungen können Sie Kunden, Lieferanten und Partner, die über ein eigenes Identitätssystem oder Verzeichnis verfügen, mit einer Partnerportal-Integrationslösung verbinden und Ihre vertraulichen Daten beim Onboarding externer Benutzer mit einer optimierten Benutzerverwaltungsmethode schützen. Implementieren Sie Automatisierungen mit einer Wenn-Dann-Logik, um Benutzer automatisch zu deaktivieren, wenn ihr Vertrag ausläuft, und entfernen Sie Benutzer aus Gruppen und Anwendungen. Überwachen Sie Anwendungszuweisungen und -aktivitäten mit integrierten Berichtswerkzeugen.
  • Mit unserer ARM-Lösung können Sie den Benutzerzugriff auf Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive und Dateiserver verwalten und prüfen. Sie können das Provisioning und Deprovisioning von Benutzern leicht automatisieren und schnell umfassende Berichte über den Benutzerzugriff erstellen und bereitstellen, die für die Einhaltung von Vorschriften und Audits erforderlich sind. Dank dieser Lösung können Sie die IT-Arbeitslast durch ein Self-Service-Portal und die Delegation der Verwaltung von Zugriffsrechten an Dateneigentümer reduzieren.
  • Die Fachbereiche sind für die Zugriffsrechte ihrer Mitarbeitenden verantwortlich, können dieser Verantwortung aber heute meistens nur bedingt nachkommen. Hierfür liefert das Role-based Access Management einen skalierbaren Lösungsansatz. Es bietet einen direkt im Fachbereich nutzbaren Berechtigungskatalog mit verständlichen Berechtigungsobjekten sowie ein Stufenmodell zur Rollendefinition.
Privileged Access Management (PAM)
  • Der Umgang mit privilegierten Benutzerkonten oder Zugriffsrechten stellt IT-Abteilungen vor besondere Herausforderungen. Punktuelle Anforderungen für Notfallzugriffe oder technische Administration müssen flexibel unterstützt und gleichzeitig die Sicherheit und Nachvollziehbarkeit gewährleistet werden. Das Privileged Access Management für SAP, Active Directory oder Windows Notebooks bietet mit Self-Services für befristete Zugriffe eine wirksame und schnelle Lösung.

  • With our ARM solution, manage and audit user access to Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and File Servers. You could easily automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of users and quickly generate and deliver comprehensive user access reports required for regulatory compliance and audits. Thanks to this solution, you could reduce IT workload through a self-service portal and delegation of access rights management to data owners.

  • With our MFA solution, secure your accounts and apps with a strong multi-factor authentication solution that will keep the right people in and the wrong people out. Protect all your resources, including customer-facing apps and enterprise apps that store your most sensitive data. User access will require several forms of identification to eliminate the risks associated with authentication by password alone (e.g. pin code, fingerprint) and will automatically block suspicious IP addresses that have attempted identity attacks on other organizations.
  • From joining the company to various change scenarios and finally leaving, a person needs the right access rights at the right time throughout the lifecycle of your company. Provision them automatically with ULM. User Life Cycle is a concept which describes the process flow of how the account of a user is created, modified, managed, and deleted based on certain events or time factors. User Lifecycle Management (ULM) is a strategic solution implementation which facilitates above-mentioned process.
  • Easily secure user access through our SSO solution. Single sign-on is an authentication method that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password to any of several related, yet independent, software systems. Provide your IT team one place to view, manage, and secure all your users’ access, whether they are internal employees or external partners. This single sign-on solution can quickly connect to and sync from any number of identity stores including AD, LDAP, HR systems, and other third-party identity providers.
  • With our ARM solution, manage and audit user access to Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and File Servers. You could easily automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of users and quickly generate and deliver comprehensive user access reports required for regulatory compliance and audits. Thanks to this solution, you could reduce IT workload through a self-service portal and delegation of access rights management to data owners.

  • With our MFA solution, secure your accounts and apps with a strong multi-factor authentication solution that will keep the right people in and the wrong people out. Protect all your resources, including customer-facing apps and enterprise apps that store your most sensitive data. User access will require several forms of identification to eliminate the risks associated with authentication by password alone (e.g. pin code, fingerprint) and will automatically block suspicious IP addresses that have attempted identity attacks on other organizations.
  • With our innovative End-point Privilege Management solution, eliminate the need for user accounts with elevated permissions. Achieve unparalleled security across all endpoints with permissions controlled at the application and process level – without impacting user productivity. Reduce privileges of potentially dangerous applications (email clients, browsers, etc. with internet access) to deny access to sensitive resources, regardless of user’s elevated privileges and grant application-level and process-level privileges to carry out authorized administrative tasks
  • Dealing with privileged user accounts or access rights poses special challenges for IT departments. Selective requirements for emergency access or technical administration must be flexibly supported and at the same time security and traceability must be guaranteed. Privileged Access Management for SAP, Active Directory or Windows Notebooks offers an effective and fast solution with self-services for temporary access. Generally Speaking, Privileged access management (PAM) consists of the cybersecurity strategies and technologies for exerting control over the elevated (“privileged”) access and permissions for users, accounts, processes, and systems across an IT environment.

  • The recertification of access rights with the Re-Certification Management solution offers you the possibility to carry out periodic checks of access rights automatically. Those responsible simply check and confirm the roles and access rights in the service portal. Recertification thus ensures that people only have the access rights they need in the course of their tasks.‎
  • Passwords can be reset easily and securely via our self-service Password Management solution. The Password Reset Management solution thus reduces the number of password tickets by up to 80% – an enormous relief for your IT department. At the same time, security is increased by 2-factor authentication. In addition to Active Directory, the solution offers a variety of other interfaces for this purpose.
  • From joining the company to various change scenarios and finally leaving, a person needs the right access rights at the right time throughout the lifecycle of your company. Provision them automatically with ULM. User Life Cycle is a concept which describes the process flow of how the account of a user is created, modified, managed, and deleted based on certain events or time factors. User Lifecycle Management (ULM) is a strategic solution implementation which facilitates above-mentioned process.
  • Our Self-Service & Approval Management solution offers self-services that are available 24/7 and relieve the IT helpdesk. Integrated approval procedures, flexible workflows and automated implementation via interfaces reduce costs and unproductive times. Your users are always informed about the progress and decision-making processes as well as procurement guidelines are adhered to.
  • With our ARM solution, manage and audit user access to Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and File Servers. You could easily automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of users and quickly generate and deliver comprehensive user access reports required for regulatory compliance and audits. Thanks to this solution, you could reduce IT workload through a self-service portal and delegation of access rights management to data owners.

  • With our MFA solution, secure your accounts and apps with a strong multi-factor authentication solution that will keep the right people in and the wrong people out. Protect all your resources, including customer-facing apps and enterprise apps that store your most sensitive data. User access will require several forms of identification to eliminate the risks associated with authentication by password alone (e.g. pin code, fingerprint) and will automatically block suspicious IP addresses that have attempted identity attacks on other organizations.
  • The departments are responsible for the access rights of their employees, but today they can usually only fulfil this responsibility to a limited extent. For this purpose, our Role-based Access Management solution provides a scalable solution approach. It offers an authorization catalog with comprehensible authorization objects that can be used directly in the department as well as a step model for role definition.
  • Passwords can be reset easily and securely via our self-service Password Management solution. The Password Reset Management solution thus reduces the number of password tickets by up to 80% – an enormous relief for your IT department. At the same time, security is increased by 2-factor authentication. In addition to Active Directory, the solution offers a variety of other interfaces for this purpose.
  • With our ARM solution, manage and audit user access to Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and File Servers. You could easily automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of users and quickly generate and deliver comprehensive user access reports required for regulatory compliance and audits. Thanks to this solution, you could reduce IT workload through a self-service portal and delegation of access rights management to data owners.
  • Easily secure user access through our SSO solution. Single sign-on is an authentication method that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password to any of several related, yet independent, software systems. Provide your IT team one place to view, manage, and secure all your users’ access, whether they are internal employees or external partners. This single sign-on solution can quickly connect to and sync from any number of identity stores including AD, LDAP, HR systems, and other third-party identity providers.

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